Go Love Yourself

The Best Books for Everyone on Your List

Best Books For Everyone on Your List

Have you heard of Jolabokaflod?

It's the Icelandic holiday practice of exchanging books, and then spending a hyggelig evening together reading, and honestly, that sounds like the most perfect experience ever.

And, in case you're still in need of a gift and are burnt out on decision making, I've got you covered.  Here are the best books for everyone on your list, from someone who has read them all, and absolutely LOVES making book recommendations.  

Because there's nothing quite like connecting with someone when they ask what they should read next. It's like an invitation to serve as a guide on your journey, highlighting the next best path to take, on your great adventure.  Literary therapy, if you will.

And you're in DOUBLE luck, because I've created a resource you can use to find the best bookish gift this holiday season. Bonus: all of these babies are on Amazon, so you can get them sent straight to your door - no need to brave the holiday traffic!

What was the best book you've ever received as a gift?  Leave it in the comments for me below!

The Entrepreneur: Everything is Figureoutable, by Marie Forleo
The Therapy Obsessed: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb
The Creative: Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Zen Master: A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle
The Marie Kondo Obsessed: Declutter Your Mind, by SJ Scott and Barrie Davenport
The Brazen Careerist: The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, by Valerie Young
The New Mom: Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts, by Karen Kleiman
The Leader: Dare to Lead , by Brené Brown
The Perfectionist: The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown
The Enlightened One: The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer
The Procrastinator: Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
The Self-Help Wary: How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
The Self-Care Lover: Just For You, by Ellen Bard


And, if you really don't want to choose, let us do the choosing for you with a subscription to Go Love Yourself - a self-help and self-care book subscription box and membership community for her.  Click here to subscribe.

Late to the party? We've got you.

You have until December 20th to order the December Holiday Box and get it by December 24th. 

After then, we'll send you a printable certificate and get your box in the mail ASAP!