Go Love Yourself

What About My Subscription?

I recognize that this may be disappointing, frustrating, even jarring.

And I want to acknowledge that I want to do right by you, me, and us.

This break is weird and unplanned and unchartered territory for me. It has come about as a result of a lot of the personal work I've been doing and an intent to live in integrity and create a business that supports all of us in living more fulfilled and humane lives.

So let's talk logistically.


What does this mean for subscriptions?

What does this mean if I've prepaid?

What about after June?

Are there other self-help resources you endorse?

What's up with the community?


    Thank you for understanding, for all of your support over the last three years, and for your patience while I figure out next steps.



    PS. Have another idea? Have another question? You know this is never one-way communication. Leave a note in the Facebook group, Facebook message me, or email me